Week 19: (March 2-8)
Me this week-
Every Wednesday is our rollover day to a new week. Scott & I have a ritual of waking up every Wednesday and checking out baby info on some baby apps. What to Expect and The Bump both have great apps and every week have cute videos that are only about a minute but give lots of specifics as to what's happening this week. We celebrate every Wednesday and are just so extremely excited that we've made it this far!
At school on the day of Week 19, I got a special delivery from a florist. Scott (aka Proud Daddy to Bee!!) was at it again and sent me the cutest baby bouquet made of baby items like washcloths, onesies, bibs, socks, and a bee rattle. The card read something like how he was so excited we are having a boy and that he had to get this specific thing when he saw it. *Side note: we would have been thrilled to have a girl too, we did not have a preference either way and are just excited to now know which path of excitement to take. :)
On the list for 19 weeks is that you may start to feel baby movements soon. Up until this point I thought I felt something every so often in the last few weeks but they were random and inconsistent and although I definitely believe they were Bee's earliest movements it wasn't always clear to tell. Ironically, the first time I was for sure I felt something was on the start of Week 19. March 2, 2016. I was sitting in a faculty meeting after school and all of a sudden felt something new- like little bubbles or flutters. My eyes bugged out of my head and I quietly sent Scott a text that I was pretty sure I felt Bee move! I didn't want to tell anyone else besides Scott first and I also wasn't sure either.
Over the next few days I started to feel the flutters and bubbles/pokes/twinges more and more and was certain it was Bee moving/kicking. SOOO much fun!!! :) Poor Scott can't feel it yet but I bet he will soon. I try to put his hand there when I notice and he thinks once he felt something for one split second last week so we'll go with that, but mostly not there yet. It's also a huge comfort to me to feel things every so often so I am reassured Bee is okay in there. :)
During Week 19, my mom was also visiting from Florida. She came up for our reveal and stayed through the first week of March. Her birthday is March 3rd so we got to celebrate while Grandma was here. Our family friend Joanne also came to visit for Mom's birthday so we went out to dinner for that too.
Happy Birthday, Grandma! <3 |
Our friend, Mike, made this sign for us/Bee. How cool?! We love it!!!
Just a fun quote I love... and I love that the baby elephant is blue ;)
One of my students came to school with this balloon shortly after I revealed Bee is a boy. His mom said it was all his idea and she could only take credit for writing the message for him. Too cute!
19 Week bump ;)
March 8th, 2014 happened to mark the start of our IUI journey, 2 whole years ago!! That was the day of our 1st IUI procedure. Ironically last year we also had another IUI on March 8th. This year on March 8th I was happy to be just shy of 20 weeks pregnant. :)
Unfortunately March 8 also now marked the day I came down with a stomach bug and was up half the night super sick in different ways. Scott was AMAZING at helping me in every possible way. I was actually so sick I literally didn't leave the bathroom for about 3 hours straight. I kept getting sick in one way or another and was so tired I literally fell asleep sitting on the floor with my head against the toilet. At one point I just wanted to sleep on the floor so Scott got whatever extra blankets and towels he could and I literally slept on the bathroom floor for a good 30 mins before I finally was able to crawl back into bed for a few hours. Needless to say I called out of work and was practically a zombie all day. Poor Bee was probably like "Mama, what's happening?!" but I was reassured he was okay because I kept feeling him flutter around throughout the day. I'm feeling MUCH better today but called out again to rest up since I needed to catch up and not be running around with the kiddos. It's also in the 70s today (for early March in NY that's unheard of!) so I am sure my classroom feels like an oven today and that wouldn't help anyone for me to be dragging all day.
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My bed, in the bathroom, for a bit on Monday night. Ha! |
Bee this week-
19 weeks means Bee is the size of a Mango this week!
Here are some fun facts about our sweet baby boy this week...
*Bee is 6.0 inches and 8.5 ounces
*Bee is developing a protective coating over his skin to protect him from the surrounding amniotic fluid, which is the greasy white stuff babies are sometimes born covered with.
*Nerve cells for sense of taste, hearing, sight, and smell are developing in baby's brain right now.
As I mentioned above, Bee has started to flutter around this week!! :) I love to talk to him and know he's moving around in there and getting cozy.
Til next time! :)
Technically 20 weeks today (as I'm writing this) and we have a 20-week checkup in a few hours. :) We also hope to start our registry this coming weekend.
Stace & Bee
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